Reflection and revelation. A year in review

A year of transformative insights and introspective journeys

posted on 28 May 2022
~ 15 min read

As I look back, I realize that the year has flown by. 2023 has truly been a kaleidoscope of experiences, marked by intense emotions and significant personal growth. This year wasn't just another chapter in my life, it felt like a pivotal point, perhaps the zenith of my twenties.

Throughout these twelve months, I've navigated a myriad of experiences, each imparting invaluable lessons about myself and the world around me. The insights I've gained have been profound, often arising from the most unexpected situations. I've embraced these moments of abundant revelation, allowing them to shape my perspective and influence my decisions.

The opening of this chapter was marked by a significant milestone for me and my wife – moving into our new rented house. The process was an adventure in itself. We dedicated countless hours to painting the walls a calming dark green, a task that, while time-consuming, was immensely fulfilling. Selecting and arranging new furniture, we transformed the space, infusing it with our personality and style. The aim was to create an environment that was not only cozy but also functional, a true reflection of our combined tastes and preferences.

Although it was just a rented space, it felt profoundly ours. Each choice we made, from the color of the curtains to the placement of our books, was a small declaration of our life together. This house became a canvas for our dreams, hopes, and shared life.

Lone Voyage for the pursuit of individuality

In the shared tapestry of life with my wife, I've always placed a high value on the distinct threads of individuality that define who I am. Recognizing that a strong soul flourishes with proper nourishment and care, I made a conscious decision to engage in weekly counseling sessions with a professional. This step was pivotal in my journey of personal growth, providing a space for me to delve into my inner self and gain a deeper understanding of my emotions.

Alongside this journey of introspection, I've nurtured not just a dream, but a deep-seated desire from my inner child, to embark on a solo travel adventure. This aspiration is more than a mere wish; it's a longing that has been part of me for as long as I can remember. Such a journey represents a unique opportunity to shape and understand my inner self in ways that only solitude can enable. It's a path that promises to delve into the depths of my personality and explore the contours of my individuality, separate from the life I share with my wife. Embracing this venture is not just about physical travel, but about honoring and fulfilling a profound, lifelong yearning rooted deep within my being.

Early in March, driven by this yearning, I took a bold step toward realizing this dream. I booked a flight to Japan, choosing the 31st of March for my departure. The timing was intentional, coinciding with the crowded season of cherry blossom viewing – a spectacle of nature's beauty that I had always wished to witness firsthand.

In Japan, with no concrete itinerary and an open-ended return, I embraced a sense of freedom and adventure that was both exhilarating and daunting. Granted a three-month stay permit upon arrival, I was given the rare opportunity to truly immerse myself in the country's diverse tapestry, at a pace dictated solely by my curiosity and instinct.

Homebase - Tokyo

My journey began in Tokyo, where I rented a room from Freshroom somewhere at Asakusabashi. Although the room was small, it was perfectly sufficient for my needs. The space was comfortable but often noisy due to its proximity to the main road, a nearby middle school, and the ongoing election activities.

Since I arrived during the blossoming period of the cherry blossoms, Tokyo presented itself in full splendor. Witnessing the cherry blossoms in the city was an unforgettable experience. Their ephemeral beauty was a marvel to behold. However, the allure of the blossoms was, at times, diminished by the overwhelming crowds. The multitude of people, flowing like a relentless river, created a stark contrast to the blossoms' serene beauty. This initial encounter, though somewhat disheartening, offered a profound lesson about the delicate balance between popular attractions and personal space. It inspired me to seek more secluded and authentic experiences during my travels.

花見 (Hanami) - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Japan

花見 (Hanami) - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Japan

花見 (Hanami) - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Japan

The pinkest cherry blossoms I've ever seen

花見 (Hanami) - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Japan

花見 (Hanami) - Cherry Blossom Viewing at Ueno Park, Japan

Following week after I first arrive, I began my Japanese language classes at Japan Switch Ueno, where I met my sensei and worked on improving my Japanese skills. The classes were an enriching experience, not only in terms of language learning but also in the diversity of friends I made there. Coming from various countries and backgrounds, they added unique perspectives to my experience. Although I had a basic survival level of Japanese when I started, the classes proved to be extremely beneficial in enhancing my proficiency and confidence in using the language.

Class schedule - Japan Switch Ueno

Class schedule - Japan Switch Ueno

As I journeyed through Japan, I encountered a mosaic of people, each adding a unique hue to my experience. Making friends along the way, I found joy in the shared moments and insights, learning not just about Japan, but about the myriad ways people from different walks of life perceive and interact with the world.

ゆかりさん (Yukari-san) friends - Eli's birthday

Kamakura photoshot with ともだち (Friend) that I made along the way

Kamakura photoshot with ともだち (Friend) that I made along the way

The famous Enoden train. It was raining

Some of my travel video

The famous Ghibli Cafe, too bad I arrived too late due to work and it was closed

With Meshida live at Asakusa

Shibe cafe along the famous Komachi street


新江ノ島水族館- (Enoshima Aquarium)

Yokohama Gundam

Gundam in Yokohama before it closing down

teamLabs Tokyo

Sojourn - Kyoto, City of Temples

From the vibrant energy of Tokyo's streets to the scenic beauty of Kamakura and Enoshima, each place I visited offered a unique perspective. My three-day trip to Kyoto, Japan's ancient capital, was particularly memorable. It's probably the best city I've ever experienced. Everything about Kyoto captivated me - its atmosphere, people, food, culture, temples, shrines, history, nature, weather, and overall vibe. I absolutely loved it.

In Kyoto, I found myself enveloped in an environment that fostered deep introspection and peace. The city's rich history and culture are palpable in every corner, from its ancient architecture to the serene atmosphere. This sense of timelessness was both humbling and inspiring, creating a profound connection to the past and a reflective space for personal growth.

Fushimi Inari Taisha Entrance

Fushimi Inari Taisha Entrance

Peak of Mt Inari

Peak of Mt Inari





Sojourn in Osaka: The City of Food

My stay in Osaka was intentionally brief, as I wanted to reserve it as a second home base for a more thorough exploration in the future.

Harukas 300

Harukas 300. I missed placed my room card here.

After immersing myself in the diverse landscapes of Japan, my journey took a detour in May. I temporarily left the land of the rising sun to join my company's trip in Phuket, Thailand. This brief sojourn offered a stark contrast to my solo travels in Japan, bringing new experiences and interactions with my remote colleagues, whom I was meeting in person for the first time.

Phuket greeted me with its own unique brand of beauty. The highlight was a day spent on a yacht, gliding over the crystal-clear waters, with the breathtaking scenery of the island unfurling around us. The vastness of the ocean and the serene beauty of the Thai beaches offered a different kind of tranquility compared to the solemn temples of Kyoto or the bustling streets of Tokyo.

The company gala dinner was an eventful occasion, marked by a stroke of luck as I won a pair of tickets to a Blackpink concert. This unexpected win added an exciting dimension to my Thailand experience. Beyond the glitz of the gala, I ventured into the infamous Bangla Road, a street known for its vibrant nightlife. Here, I navigated the lively yet cautionary landscape, almost falling prey to scams by savvy locals, a reminder of the vigilance needed while traveling.

Before my return to Japan, I rejoined my wife at Singapore to attend the Blackpink concert. This is kind of unplanned and since its concert week, the hotel price is skyrocketing. Watching Blackpink live ticked the bucket list of us that we never thought we could do. The concert was amazing and the crowd was so energetic.

Phuket, Thailand

Phuket, Thailand

The famous Bangla Road Ladyboy

The famous Bangla Road Ladyboy



Blackpink Singapore 2023

Blackpink Singapore 2023

四国大冒険 (Shikoku great adventure)

Upon returning to Japan, I resumed my solo travels, this time heading to Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four main islands. Starting in Onomichi and ending in Imabari, I embarked on a cycling journey along the Shimanami Kaidō. Covering a distance of 120 kilometers, I took my time, visiting multiple places and spending a night there.

しまなみ海道, Shimanami Kaidō adventure begins

しまなみ海道, Shimanami Kaidō adventure begins

Friend I made along the way

Friend I made along the way

Roughly after 120 KM later

Roughly after 120 KM later

My first public bath experience

My first public bath experience at somewhere remote at Setoda

Sojourn Hiroshima, City of Peace

Hiroshima was a sobering experience, a reminder of the horrors of war and the resilience of the human spirit. The city's history is palpable in every corner, from the Atomic Bomb Dome to the Peace Memorial Park. The atmosphere is somber yet hopeful, a testament to the city's enduring spirit. The Peace Memorial Park was a particularly moving experience, with its poignant monuments and memorials. The Children's Peace Monument, in particular, was a powerful reminder of the innocent lives lost and the need for peace.

Atomic Bomb Dome

Atomic Bomb Dome





Sojourn in Wakayama: Surviving Typhoon Mawar and Meeting Tama, the Cutest Station Master

My first typhoon experience occurred in Wakayama, where I found myself stranded for two days due to Typhoon Mawar. With no trains or buses operational, it was a challenging yet memorable part of my journey.

Friend's I made along the way.

Friends I made along the way included one who took shelter with me due to her house being flooded. Another, a chef and also a flood victim, generously offered free pasta.

たま電車 (Tama Densha)

たま電車 (Tama Densha)


うめぼし (Umeboshi)

二たま (Nitama)

二たま (Nitama)

Kishi station

Kishi station

Sojourn in Fukuoka: Feel like home

Finally, Fukuoka, with its laid-back atmosphere, felt almost like a second home. Its similarities to my own hometown created a comforting familiarity, providing a space where the journey's pace naturally slowed down, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the city's relaxed charm."

Studio Ghibli show at Fukuoka City Museum

Studio Ghibli show at Fukuoka City Museum

Fukuoka Tower

Fukuoka Tower

Fukuoka Tower

Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks

Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks

南蔵院 (Nanzo-in)

南蔵院 (Nanzo-in)

Ascent to the Career Summit

September marked a pivotal moment in my career, the apex of a year's worth of dedication and hard work. Alongside my colleagues, I had been deeply involved in developing 'Ordzaar', a Bitcoin ordinal marketplace. This project, which began in April, consumed much of our time and energy, driving us towards a singular goal.

The 13th of September was a day etched in my memory – the grand reveal of our project at the Ordinal Summit, held at the Park Royal Hotel Marina Bay in Singapore. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation and excitement. As the curtains lifted and 'Ordzaar' was introduced to the world, a wave of pride washed over me. All the late nights, the brainstorming sessions, the challenges we faced and overcame, culminated in this moment.

The reception to our presentation was beyond what we had hoped for. Attendees were engaged, asking insightful questions and showing genuine interest in our platform. It was a validation of our vision and hard work. The buzz around 'Ordzaar' grew throughout the event, and it was clear that we had made an impact. This event was not just a professional milestone; it was a personal triumph. It represented the fruition of my passion for innovation and technology, and a firm step forward in my career. The journey to this point had been intense and demanding, but seeing our project come to life in front of an enthusiastic audience made every effort worthwhile.

Unwinding and Pathfinding: Narratives of the Uncharted

Now, as the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on this journey. Despite the challenges and the constant downward spirals, I'm proud of how far I've come. I've weathered storms and celebrated victories, each step contributing to my soul. As the page turn to it epilouge, there's a sense of anticipation mixed with a dash of wistfulness. It's a bittersweet farewell to a significant phase of my life.

As the pages of this year's journey turn to their epilogue, a blend of anticipation and wistfulness fills me. It's a bittersweet moment, marking the end of a significant phase of my life. Reflecting deeply as the year draws to a close, I find myself contemplating the path I've traveled. Despite the challenges and the constant downward spirals, I'm proud of how far I've come.

I've weathered storms and celebrated victories, each experience enriching my soul and contributing to my growth. This journey hasn't just been about enduring hardships; it's been a transformative process, where every step has had its purpose and value. Now, standing at this pivotal point, I look back at the myriad of experiences that have shaped me, acknowledging the profound lessons learned and the revelations embraced.

As I bid farewell to this chapter, I carry with me the strength and wisdom gained, ready to embark on the next phase of my life's adventure.

Hand ready, steer the ship